Wednesday, September 13, 2006

You can post your secrets here, blame and guilt free!

Do you have something on your mind lately and really need to get it off your chest to feel better...

Then go ahead and post your secret here, whatever you like, really whatever you wish you could really say out loud.... Well you can say it here and no one is going to chastise you. And no one can force their opinion on you for it either.

Go ahead, just pour your heart out if you want too.... Comment section is open to all.


Anonymous said...

There is only a faint glimmer of what my faith used to be!

Anonymous said...

i'm afraid that i'll never know what true love is. i thought i was in love 3 times but every time it turned out that i was wrong. will it ever happen?

Anonymous said...

I read the obituaries every day to see if my ex has killed himself because he used to threaten to and I don't talk to him anymore.

Kilroy_60 said...

I should be sleeping now, but I'm blogging instead. Keep it under your hat. :-)

Anonymous said...

I dont know how I feel about him anymore. Maybe he's finally pushed me to the point of no longer being in love with him? That scares me more than I'm willing to admit. :(

Anonymous said...

i'd take her back in a heartbeat

Anonymous said...

I am totally in love with a favorite local fireman!. Annomously for 7 friggin years I've had a silly crush that is now really anoying what to do? I am celabrating 20 years of marriage this year...silly huh?

Anonymous said...

I don't want to marry you, because I know I would have to cheat just to keep things interesting...I wonder if you would forgive me, and I wonder if this post will come to mind when I talk to you later...?

Kilroy_60 said...

Oh, no...back so soon! This time I'm supposed to be working instead of blogging. Confession is good for the soul.


Anonymous said...

I think I'm crushing on him BECAUSE he can't speak english...and you never did understand that body language is more important than words for most women. :/ sorry.

Anonymous said...

ive actually considered sleeping with someone else to see if he would even care

Anonymous said...

I'm in love with the most amazing guy in the world but I he will never know and we will never be together becuse he is in love with my brother.

Anonymous said...

You are wonderful. Please talk to me more.

Anonymous said...

Hello Becky, you have a great site. The idea of quickly typing in a secret if you don't have time to make a postcard is a great idea. I'm trying to think up a secret for you. My secret is that most people know me as a bubbly and friendly person who always looks happy but ironically I battle with depression everyday and pretending to be happy has become second nature and I don't even have to try to cover up how I feel worthless - the bulls--t happy facade is automatic. I'm not confident enough to tell people how I really feel. This is not exactly a rivetting secret is it but I wanted to add something to your blog. Good work. I like reading it.

Anonymous said...

I post all my comments as anonymous so that when I come back to this site and see my posts I can pretend that someone else wrote it. I hate feeling alone.

Anonymous said...

I don't love you like I did yesterday.
You were my everything.
I'll miss you, best friend.
It hurts me more than it will ever hurt you.

Anonymous said...

Whenever I'm on the phone with him, I can't have a proper conversation because I'm thinking of how wrong it is to pretend everthing is normal when, one day, I know I will break his heart AGAIN.

Trouble said...
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Anonymous said...

I am not sure that I'm really in love with my boyfriend or if he's right for me. What if I make the same mistake again that I've made in the past?

Anonymous said...

The only reason I haven't killed myself, is being I'm terrified that reincarnation might be real and i don't want ever want to live again.

Anonymous said...

The only reason i haven't killed myself is because I'm terrified of reincarnation and having to live again.

Anonymous said...

i thought about killing my roommate then wondered if i'd be able to live with the guilt.

Anonymous said...

everytime i read other people's secrets...
i hope they are not refering to me

Anonymous said...

I've never found my husband physically attractive - but I will never tell him that.

Anonymous said...

i have a great life almost everything anyone could ask for but i always imagine a life that is even better a life i can never have.. so instead of being happy i feel my heart breaking just a tinest bit every second of every day

Anonymous said...

I have supported my husband for 6 months where he barely bothered to look for a job. I found him his last two jobs. I'm waiting until he gets a good job to spend his money and then divorce him shortly thereafter.

Anonymous said...

I was in the next room, and I heard you tell mom about the other woman. You said it was a "3 month fling," and you acted like there was nothing wrong with that. I was 12 years old, and even then I knew how stupid she was to take you back.

Anonymous said...

i'm a girl. i loved a girl. i kissed a girl. i told a girl it didn't mean anything when it did. i broke a girls heart. i watched a girl fall in love with another girl. i died.

Anonymous said...

I got pregnant to make him stay with me. Six years later, I resent him and the child.

Anonymous said...

I secretly don't want to go to the same college as my best friend because if i do i know she'll get on my last nerve!! she's always been there for me and i feel really guilty

Anonymous said...

I secretly don't want to go to the same college as my best friend because if i do i know she'll get on my last nerve!! she's always been there for me and i feel really guilty

Anonymous said...

I'm 24 and I've been divorced twice already. The first time I married my high school sweetheart. He cheated on me so I left him. The second time I married because I got pregnant. I left him because I was not happy, and I was in love with another man. Now I'm deathly afraid to marry the man of my dreams because I never want another divorce. I love him with my whole heart and soul. I love him with every fiber of my being, but... I'm so so very terrified & afraid of getting married again. I wish we could just be boyfriend and girlfriend forever. He has no idea how afraid I am of marriage.

Anonymous said...

I am desperate for any type of love.

Anonymous said...

Your secrets are consuming me. You tried to kill yourself more times than i can remember, we've been through hell to support you.Sometimes,when you are drinking i want so badly to tell someone. I never have, and it makes me feel worthless because i lie. I have wished you dead more than once, but still cannot tell anyone your secret. In the end i guess all that matters is that you are my mother, and i love you.

Anonymous said...

It's easier to cheat the second time.

Anonymous said...

I was sexually abused by my older sister a number of times, she has a 4.0 in college,and my parents love her and give her the world, she has everything i've ever dreamed of, a nice car, nice laptop etc. My parents call me a screwup child because i'm going to attend community college. i had a 1.5 gpa average in high school. I'm leaving home with my suitcase and a bus ticket in three weeks. I've told them what happend too me and how it's ruined my life. they dont listen, and they dont care about me.....

the week after i go, my parents are off to europe with "the best daughter in the world"

I cry at night, I am 300 pounds, 6'5". My parents wanted me to be a doctor. All i have ever wanted to do was cut hair. they are disowning me for it.

But even through it all i love them with all my heart........

Anonymous said...

i tell me boyfriend i love him but im really not sure

Anonymous said...

i know that he treated me terrible but i want him back.

Anonymous said...

ever since i started dating this one guy, a lot of people have talked behind my back. he is a flirt and everyone knows it. but i never say anything to him. i cant even talk to another guy without him freaking out. but now, i like someone else, but my boyfriend would be so upset if i break up with him. so the only reason i am still with him is so that he is happy....even though i am suffering miserably.